Guests back to Cottages and Palace?
Will July bring guests back to our Cottages and hopefully the Palace here in the Cotswolds ? The beautiful month of May has not disappointed those of us who are lucky enough to live here in the Cotswolds. Let us hope that July will be the month when we can welcome our guests back to our self-catering cottages here at Langley and share this beautiful place.
King John’s Palace
It has been very strange not to be rushing up and down to King Johns Cottages welcoming guests, cleaning and getting ready for the next stay. We have used the time to get some maintenance done including re-painting the outside and deep cleaning all the interior.
However, I have also been kept busy with work on our lovely old farmhouse, King John’s Palace, which we hope will finally be ready and July will bring guests back not only to the Cottages but to the Palace as well.
I have recently set up an Instagram page for King John’s Palace, also known as Henry’s Hunting House, as amongst the ten kings and queens who visited Langley, Henry VIII spent time here hunting in the Wychwood Forest and on one occasion he even brought Anne Boleyn to stay here as well.
I have started posting pictures of some of the work that we have been doing over the past few years and have also set up a Facebook page where I will be posting further pictures and a little about the history of the house. When we are open for business bookings can be done via my Freetobook page which can be found on my website and on facebook.
Getting back to the question though, Covid 19, which has caused so much trouble worldwide, will hopefully be under some sort of control and we hope that in line with government guidelines the hospitality industry will be able to open up at the beginning of July which includes self-catering cottages and we will be able to welcome guests back to our cottages and all being well King John’s Palace.